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Divide your Spotify Liked Songs over your playlists.


I save new music on Spotify by liking songs. I listen to Discover Weekly, Release Radar, and a number of other favourite playlists, and just everything i like.

I do have a lot of personal playlists too, for different genres and moods for example. It’s how I collect music. However, I never got around to divide my liked songs over these playlists. It was just too much hassle, dragging and dropping each song to multiple playlists, sometimes 100+ songs. In addition, I wanted more information on the songs, like genre and bpm.

That’s why I created Divide for Spotify.

More details on use

Step 1

Step 1 is pretty straight forward: Select the playlist from which you want to divide your songs. Often this will be your Liked Songs, but you can also select any other playlist from which you want to divide songs. For example Discover Weekly or Release Radar, or any other playlist that contains many songs you want to add to your own playlists.

Step 2

This is an extra step to make your life easier in step 3. If you have a lot of playlists (like me), you probably don't want to add songs to most of them. Step 2 is a pre-selection for playlists that are available in Step 3. Of course you're free to use all of your playlists with 'Select all'!

Note that your playlists are already filtered. For Divide for Spotify to be able to add songs to a playlist, the playlist must be created by you (you must be the owner) and playlist can't be a collaborative playlist.

Another use case of Divide for Spotify is creating a playlist for a special occasion: Create a playlist in Spotify, Select it as target, and just go through your Liked Songs; Add the songs you want to add for the occasion, and simply skip the others.

Step 3

From left to right, top to bottom, we see:

  1. The album artwork with a preview option below,
  2. information of the track,
    1. 'Released on' indicates the label on which the song was released.
    2. BPM means Beats Per Minutes.
    3. The musical key between parenthesis is the Camelot Key.
  3. audio features of the track,
    1. More info below
  4. confirmation and navigation buttons, (from left to right)
    1. previous song,
    2. previous song and confirm,
    3. next song and confirm and
    4. next song.
    • The buttons with confirm peform the action selected below on this song to the playlist(s) selected below.
    • The buttons without confirmation are used for navigation (next or previous song) without performing any action.
  5. the action you want to perform (move, copy or remove)
    1. Move adds the song to the selected playlist(s) and deletes the song from source playlist, or 'Unlikes' the song if the source playlist you selected in Step 1 is your Liked Songs.
    2. Copy adds the song to the selected playlist(s) and doesn't remove the song from the source playlist.
    3. Remove only deletes from source playlists without adding it to a playlist (for if you just don't like the song anymore).
    • Note that for the Copy and Remove action, you must be the owner of the source playlist and the source playlist can't be a collaborative playlists. In that case the Copy and Remove option are automatically hidden.
  6. and the list to select the playlists to which you want to add the song.

What does each audio feature mean?
    • Popularity is calculated by an algorithm and is based, in the most part, on the total number of plays the track has had and how recent those plays are.
    • Energy represents a perceptual measure of intensity and activity. Typically, energetic tracks feel fast, loud, and noisy.
    • Danceability describes how suitable a track is for dancing based on a combination of musical elements including tempo, rhythm stability, beat strength, and overall regularity.
    • Valence describes the musical positiveness conveyed by a track.
    • Speechiness detects the presence of spoken words in a track.
    • Acousticness shows the confidence measure whether the track is acoustic. A higher number represents a high confidence the track is acoustic.
    • Instrumentalness predicts whether a track contains no vocals. The higher the instrumentalness value is, the greater likelihood the track contains no vocal content.
    • Liveness detects the presence of an audience in the recording. Higher liveness values represent an increased probability that the track was performed live.
    • To learn more, please check the source: Spotify documentation AudioFeaturesObject.

That's it! For any other questions, unclearities, bugs, you name it, be sure to drop me a line!


I hope you enjoy using Divide for Spotify. If anything is unclear or not working, please let me know. If you just want to say hi or thanks, that's no problem too! Any feedback is welcome.

Privacy and data

Divide for Spotify doesn't store or use your personal data in any way. Only the data Divide for Spotify needs is requested and used (these are: your username, your playlists and your liked songs). Your information will never be sold or shared with Third Parties. No information is stored longer than one day after your session. Use the 'Log Out'-button in the top right to clear your data and to disconnect your account from Divide for Spotify immediately.

Let's go!

That's a lot of reading, I'm ready to divide!